Do you really want financial independence?
In this hand is the red pill…
Hi, I’m Michael Collison, FIRE Coach.
I spent much of my life stuck in the financial matrix. Sure, I had the appearance of success, but much of it was just a facade hiding poor money habits, unnecessary debt, and financial programming. I remember the moment I started to wake up.
At 50, I knew I needed to start thinking about retirement. So, I went to the social security website to calculate what that portion of my retirement income might look like. And I was shocked. Retirement suddenly looked like a pipe dream. Unless I made some drastic changes, I wouldn’t be enjoying the “twilight years” of my life quite as much as I imagined.
I knew I needed a whole new approach to managing and planning my finances. It was like swallowing a huge red pill, and I began to realize how entrenched I was in the system - one I would likely have spent the rest of my life in. I was surprised to discover just how much money I spent in a given year on things I didn’t even consciously think about. And those “expenses” were hidden in every month, unexpected, always stealing any real progress I hoped to make.
I made those drastic changes. Took control of all my spending, eliminated debt, discovered unique ways to invest, and was able to not only retire, but retire early. Now, I help others do the same using FIRE, just like I did.
If you’re here, you’re ready. Consider me Morpheus, offering you the red pill. Let’s unplug you from the financial matrix and take the journey to financial freedom, faster than you thought possible.
What is FIRE?
Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) is a lifestyle movement that prioritizes extreme saving and investing that enables one to retire earlier than traditional methods might allow. This approach is fueled by the motivation to be in control of your life on a daily basis - to have financial independence so you can choose what to do with your time, with your finances enabling you instead of limiting you.
READY? Start your FIRE:
Determine your FIRE Number and get your personal Debt Payoff Strategy and Plan.
AIM: Grow your FIRE
Walk out your plan to get out of debt and get your personal Investment Strategy and Plan.
FIRE: Keep it going.
Make sure your fire keeps burning and get your personal Reinvestment Strategy and Plan.
On this journey, I’ll help you:
Develop your Financial Goals
Travel often?
Retire in 10 years? Earlier?
Leave a financial legacy?
Live lavishly in retirement?
Develop your Financial Habits
Track all spending
Control spending
Save money
Invest money
Use Software to Manage Easily & Wisely
What clients say...
“I was perpetually stuck with money habits that were unsustainable. Michael Collison's money management expertise helped reframe my outdated mindset to financial resilience. He offers concise tips, and tools that emphasizes a proactive approach versus an reactive approach to your bottom line. Currently living as "Empty Nesters" on a single pension, Michael Collison offers insightful tips, tools and practical skills that has guided my husband and I to financial peace of mind that IS invaluable.”
— DeCarla Martin
“With Michael’s coaching and guidance, we have learned to "assign every dollar a purpose". We are now able to account for all of our present, as well as future spending. His comprehensive knowledge of financial management, coupled with a patient, honest approach encourages you to be conscious and consistent for your own sake. We have recommended him to our children and friends so that they can experience the comfort of knowing that you can be financially prepared for any emergency.”
— Ken and Brenda Wright
“Before working with Michael I didn’t know where to begin when saving money. After working with Michael I can plan for events and experiences and enjoy my life without the stress of wondering if I can afford to do so. I was also interested in investing my money, but was so fearful of the unknown that I never wanted to try. We started by discussing some of the valuable terms and concepts that come with investing to lessen my fear of the subject. Once I felt more comfortable, he helped me use tools such as Betterment to invest my money for me while helping me through every step as needed. After working with Michael I feel confident in my knowledge and I understand what steps to take to set my future self up for success.”